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Ready, Set, Sit: A Hands-On Guide to the Sitting Milestone (3+ months)

This guide, created by expert pediatric physical therapists, will highlight your baby's journey to sitting independently. Help baby sit with these easy-to-follow 10 pages! 

The guide is jam-packed with pictures, videos, and detailed explanations, giving you actionable steps to help your baby achieve sitting independently!

True independent sitting without upper body support typically occurs between 6-8 months. Your baby's progression toward independent sitting will begin much earlier than this! Our 10-page guide starts with early sitting skills (3-4 months) and progresses all the way to balance reactions, independent sitting, and sitting transitions (6-10 months). 

Before practicing these skills, ensure your baby has full, independent head and neck control, which typically occurs around 3-4 months.

If you are in need of more support for your child, we offer telehealth consultations or in-person consultations in Phoenix, AZ. Please reach out to us at for more information. 

Find other guides and resources for your child's development on our online store and development-friendly equipment and toy ideas on our Amazon storefront.




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