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Best Baby Equipment (with links): A Pediatric PT Guide to Baby Equipment

Our guide to pediatric PT-approved baby equipment! We help you make the best baby equipment choices to support development (and what equipment to avoid!).


Is the equipment your baby is in or using supporting his or her motor development? No piece of equipment is going to make your child develop faster, better, or stronger (despite what companies may make you think)! However, there are some pieces of pediatric PT-approved recommended baby equipment that may be better choices than others for supporting infant development.   


This free 1-page download compares baby equipment products on the left side of the page to baby equipment on the right side of the page and provides easy-to-read bullet points on why one choice is better than the other for supporting motor milestones.


This 1-page cheat sheet is a great place to start! If you and your baby need more help with meeting milestones, you can reach out to us at  We offer 1:1 developmental milestones check-ins to help with hands on activities and education for parents & caregivers of babies aged newborn – 18 months. Let us help you with tummy time!

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